Prepaid Australia SIM Card:
An Australia prepaid SIM card, together with a tri-band unlocked GSM cell phone, will allow you not only to have a local cell phone number for your travel in Australia but also to pay Local rates without a contract.
Required : ¡¤An unlocked tri-band or quad-band GSM phone ¡¤You can also rent cell phone or buy cell phone from Pandasim.
Australia SIM Card Features:
Unlimited FREE incoming calls!!! US $0.39 for US calls in Australia. Complete with initial airtime about $15. An Australia pre-paid SIM card and cell phone number¨Cyou'll have the number before you depart! No yearly contract, monthly charges, credit checks. Perfect customer service in English in 24 hours. Australia SIM Card Airtime Rate:
Call Type
Airtime Rate
All Free
Domestic outgoing
US $0.30/ min
International Outgoing
US $0.58/min
SMS Domestic
US $0.17/piece
To add airtime:
Additional credit is available through the purchase of airtime vouchers, which are available throughout Australia at most convenience stores, petrol stations, and Mobile authorized dealers.
Important information:
Your Phone Number :
You will have an Australia phone number. Pandasim will email you your phone number the day that we receive your order or the next business day. Your phone number will also be clearly marked on your Pandasim packaging.
1.Once you are in Australia,
2.Make sure that the cell phone battery is charged.
3.Insert the Australia SIM card into your GSM phone's SIM card slot.
4.Turn on phone
5.You will be ready to make and receive calls.
1.From Australia to US: 001 + Area Code +Phone number#.
2.From US to Australia: 011+61+Area Code+ Phone number#.
3.Local calls: Direct Phone#.
Service life:
Your SIM Card is valid for 90 days from activation. Each recharge will extend the validity period for 90 days from the date of recharge. If you do not load your card within a 90 days period, the SIM card and accompanying phone number will expire.